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Lower Key Stage 2 – Years 3 and 4

· Reading at least 4 times a week, children will always have a book from school which they can change when needed

· Learning times tables using Times Tables Rockstars or on paper in their books- teachers will let individual children know which times tables they should be focusing on with the aim of the children learning all their times tables to 12x12 by Spring Term of year 4 https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student

· A spelling list of 5-7 spellings will be provided each week on a specific day and tested on at a later date, class teachers will let children and parents know the details of when this will happen. These spellings can be practiced on paper in homework books or by accessing the Spelling shed games using their individual logins or both.  https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/ 

· Topic learning suggestions- a grid of suggested activities some of which can be done independently, and others may need some support. These grids are only for children, parents and carers who wish to do something extra to support their learning and would like some ideas.

· Depending on children’s individual needs the class teacher may also speak with parents about additional things they can do to help practice other skills.

Upper Key Stage 2 – Years 5 and 6

· Reading at least 4 times a week, children will always have a book from school which they can change when needed

· Continuing to practice times tables using Times Tables Rockstars or on paper in their books- teachers will let individual children know which times tables they should be focusing on with the aim of the children being fluent in timetables to 12x12 and associated division facts by the end of Year 6 https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student

· In Spring Term children will also be given a maths workbook which covers a variety of topics, they will be asked to complete specific work each week to support them with their learning for the end of Key Stage SATs, and as part of preparation for transition to secondary school.

· A spelling list of 8-10 spellings will be provided each week on a specific day and tested on at a later date, class teachers will let children and parents know the details of when this will happen. These spellings can be practiced on paper in homework books or by accessing the Spelling shed games using their individual logins or both. https://www.spellingshed.com/en-gb/

· Topic learning suggestions- a grid of suggested activities some of which can be done independently, and others may need some support. These grids are only for children, parents and carers who wish to do something extra to support their learning and would like some ideas

· Depending on children’s individual needs the class teacher may also speak with parents about additional things they can do to help practice other skills.

Where children have completed work from the topic themed grids they are welcome to bring it in and share it with their class teachers however there is no expectation that this work is marked by the teacher, verbal praise and feedback will be given.



Children with specific learning needs

As a school we recognise that every child is individual and as we know many of our children have individual needs, some of which make homework or the work set for the majority of the class not possible to access. Where possible teachers will provide alternatives, for example different spelling lists, for these children. This may also be done through discussion with the class teachers of what’s appropriate or not. As with everything please do not hesitate to contact you child’s class teacher for advice on this. Where further advice is needed then Justine Harvey Head of Schools for Inclusion, can also be contacted.

Top Tips for getting homework done

Top Tips for getting homework done

There is a lot of advice on homework around, however when it comes to it you know your child best and you know what is manageable for your family. Our top tips would be little and often, try to get into a routine, praise, praise and more praise and the importance of sharing and enjoying books.

Here is some other advice you may also find useful:  https://www.theschoolrun.com/10-top-tips-helping-your-child-homework https://www.parentkind.org.uk/for-parents/home-and-school/supporting-learning-at-home

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