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Art and design

Techniques and materials 

In key stage 2, we continue to equip children with a wide range of artistic materials and techniques such as clay, foil and wire sculpture, ceramic tile mosaics and block printing, mindful that they may not ordinarily have access to these at home. We will also introduce pupils to some alternative materials and techniques that can be used creatively, such as hapa zome in our forest school. 

Pupils will learn a variety of increasingly challenging techniques to explore the use of materials and media through topic-linked projects in art and design. Their engagement and inspiration will come through the audience and purpose for their work, demonstrating their immersive topic learning and considering the role of different techniques and materials in the history of art in cultures through time. 

Great artists 

At Hertford, children will understand how their artwork is a form of self-expression and that there can be no right or wrong answers about an individual’s creativity or response to a stimulus.


Ownership of the sketchbook will allow all children to experiment with ideas, thinking critically about what they produce and enable them to see a series of sketches as part of an exploratory process, rather than errors. As such, these books will be used to reflect the journey of each piece of work, from idea generating, to design trial and iteration, to a finished piece, to evaluation. Each child will recognise their individual progress rather than make comparisons with pupils across a range of abilities.  


Yr 3 Aboriginal Art

Yr 4 Frances Hatch inspired Art

Yr 5 Self portrait in the style of Frida Khalo

Yr 6 propaganda posters

Art and Design curriculum progression map (click on image to view document)

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