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At Hertford Schools we use Maths Mastery as our approach to teaching maths. This not only teaches children the knowledge and skills they need to become fluent mathematicians, it also deepens their understanding and reasoning skills to ensure they become confident mathematicians as well. 

We ensure children have access to “concrete” resources to strengthen their understanding before moving on to “pictorial” representations and then the ability to work in abstract representations.

A great importance is  placed on the use and precision of mathematical vocabulary and the children’s ability to understand and use this confidently. Opportunities are given for the children to work collaboratively and links made,  with other learning across the curriculum as well as real-life applications.

Children are assessed regularly so that we are aware of their attainment and progress. Interventions are delivered, within maths lessons themselves and at other times, including pre-teaching for some groups,  to help the children make good progress. Support is also given by our skilled teaching assistants and, some children access small group or 1:1 work with trained staff. 

Out of school, children can be supported especially by times table practice using Times Tables RockStars https://play.ttrockstars.com/ and calculations using Numbots https://play.numbots.com/#/account/search-school .

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