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Year 6 learned all about soem of the different types of music that were important during WW2 to cheer people up, help people share their feelings, get people dancing and even to upset the enemy.  They learned how music saved lives.  They then did an amazing job of scoring the WW2 story of "The Cats in Krasinsky Square".  Mrs W-S read the story and, in groups, year 6 identified the mood of each scene.  Our young musicians then decided which instruments would be able to represent each mood best.  They then improvised and recorded the music for each scene.  They only had 4 lessons to complete this practical music-making project and they did a fantastic job...


In the Spring term our fabulous year 5s learned about different musicians who have connections with Brighton Pavilion.  They learned about the partying Prince Regent who built the Pavilion...then they created their own dance music.  This is the kind of music we might play if we were partying at the Pavilion now!  We had to choose and organise samples, then copy and paste sections to make a verse-chorus-verse structure so it was interesting to listen to.  Then we had a Top of The Pops lessons when we listened to all of the mixes and voted for our favourite.  Here are the two that got themost votes plus one highly commended one from Mrs Walton-Smith.  Well done everyone!

Year 4


Year 4 has been focusing their musical learning on music from icy lands.  We learned all about Peter and The Wolf, by Ukranian/Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev, and how different instruments are used to represent different characters and their actions.  We also found out about Nico Mulhy, a modern composer who layers voices and sounds in his piece called Mothertongue.  Then Year 4 chose powerful phrases to describe Shackleton's adventure in the Antarctic.  They sang them on pentatonic notes and Mrs Walton-Smith recorded their voices and layered them, overlapping the sounds.  Hazel class then improvised music on instruments to reflect each stage of the story.   They did an amazing job as they only had 4 lessons to complete all the practical work!  Well done Hazel Class!

Song for Shackleton 2023.mp4

Year 3

Year 3 was learning about Saint Saens' Carnival of the Animal music where each movement focuses on a different animal.  We then answered a call from the Iron Planet to write a piece of music where each section described different kinds of machines.  We made machine-inspired music using our voices.  Then we made graphic scores and read these, playing instruments to make the music this time.  Then we wrote our own graphic scores.  We recorded our machine music and Mrs Walton-Smith put a filter on some of our recorded music, so it sounded even more like strange machines.  Have a listen and see what you think.  We loved this project!

March of the Machines 2023.mp4

Year 1

We have had a wonderful time in Year 1 thinking about how we can use music to represent different stages in the growing of a plant from a seed to a flowering plant.  We have become excellent musicians this year and we are now able to read a graphic score, which means we can look at picures and know, by looking at the pictures, when to play each of our instruments.  We are now very good at taking turns to play our instruments and being quiet when it is not our turn to play.  We help each other to play at the right time and this is one of the most important skills when we make music.  We have loved becoming musicians

song of the seed Y1 2023.mp4
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