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Year 3

Mulberry class is taught by Miss Ballin. 

Click on the image to view the Meet the teacher presentation.


Autumn term –Swords and sandals

Spring term – Rise of the machines


Animals Including Humans 

identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.

Forces and Magnets 

What are forces?

Testing friction, how things move on different surfaces.

Learning about and exploring magnetic forces.


Programming A – Sequencing Sounds

Design, write, and debug programs

Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs

Explain how some simple algorithms work

Data and Information – Branching Databases

-use a variety to software to collect, analyse,  evaluate, and presenting data and information

E-safety/ technology in our lives

-Use technology safely, respectfully, and responsibly


Place Knowledge

Boxgrove Man linked to Local history study


Boxgrove Man

Local history study




Aboriginal Art- drawing and painting

Study the cultural significance of art to communicate stories through symbolism. 

Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art.

Replicate techniques used using oil pastels and paint to create our own works of art





Pneumatic models- moving monsters, explore, design, make and evaluate our own moving monsters


Robot Dancing

Tag Rugby

Striking and fielding games

Tri golf



Days of the week/ colours/ numbers to 20


I like ... / I don't like....


Saint Saens' Carnival of The Animals

Learning about the orchestra, different instruments and layers of sound

Understanding pitch, tempo and note duration

Experiment with Sounds

Create sound to represent machinery using a graphic score.


Christian and Jewish ceremonies and rites of passage

What does it mean to commit? 

What does commitment look like? 

Moses / festivals marking his story 

Do we need leaders?

What does a good leader do?  


Changing and growing families  (RSE)

Active Citizens

Summer term – Village Greens to City Scenes



Learn about light and the part it plays in what we see.

Explore shadows and reflections

Animals Including Humans 

Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition and where this comes from


Creating Media – Desktop publishing

E-safety/ technology in our lives

Understand and use search technologies effectively and safely 

Use programmes to present findings

Programming B – Events and Actions

design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals,

use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output

use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs



Location knowledge

Focus on Sussex (cities- settlements/ urban-rural)  

Place knowledge

Human/physical comparison similarities/differences  

Compare and contrast Brighton/Hollingdean with a rural East Sussex location Glynde

Human and physical geography

Learn about types of settlement and land use

Geographical skills and fieldwork

Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods inc sketch maps, plans and graphs and digital technologies 



Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age


Timeline of Stone Age to Iron Age in relation to Roman Empire

Assessing Evidence

Know what a source is and begin to understand what the difference is between primary and secondary sources.  

Using Evidence

Know what a historical question looks like  

Use evidence to start to generate my own questions about the past and help me answer questions about the past.  

List similarities and differences between life in the past and now and begin to give reasons for these  





Great Artists: Jeannie baker

Look at and evaluate Jeannie Baker’s work

Create mixed media collage using natural and man-made materials.

Create a range of textures by applying mixed media to a flat surface, considering natural and man-made forms.

Evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art.




Building Structures

Design and make a Forest School Den, drawing sketches and creating prototypes

Use tools to cut and join natural resources

Test for weatherproofing and evaluate products




Summer games - Striking and Fielding




Parts of the body

Months of the year

Numbers to 31



Create melodies and play them on tuned percussion, for example Boom Whackers

Prepare and perform at Hertford’s got Talent (Biannual)



 Jewish Traditions

What does it mean to belong? 

How do you know you belong? 


What is our role on Earth? 

Why should we be good?  


Health and well-being

 (balanced diet, exercise and emergency calls)

Keeping safe 

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