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Year 4

There are two classes in Year 4.

Hazel class is taught by Miss Watkin.

Ash class is taught by Mrs Smith (Mon, Tues, Weds) and Mr Wray (Thurs, Fri),

Click on the image below to see the Ash class Meet the teacher presentation.


Autumn term – raiders, traders and invaders

Spring term – Ice Worlds


States of matter

Compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases

Observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens

Understand the water cycle learning about evaporation and condensation



Programming A – Repetition in shapes   

Design, write and debug programs to produce repeating patterns and shapes


Data and information – Data logging


Ice Worlds- Polar Regions

Investigate the climate of Sussex and compare to Polar regions

Discuss and identify different biomes focusing on Antarctic and Arctic.   

Us3 maps and atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate the polar regions

Understand and use the 8 points of the compass.


Ernest Shackleton- Polar Explorer

The children will learn about the polar explorations linking to their English and Geography.

Place the explorations on timelines.





Francis Hatch- Antarctic collage

Look at and evaluate the work of Francis Hatch

Learn to make appropriate selections from watercolours, collage, acrylics, and crayon to produce own artwork and effects in the style of Francis Hatch.





Mechanisms - Pop up books

Research pop up books looking at audience, product as a whole and specific mechanisms used. 

Learn how to create prototypes for a range of pop-up mechanisms.

Design and make their own Non-Fiction pop up books based on Ice Worlds topic and using knowledge of mechanisms taught.

Share and evaluate the books.


Design your own game








Prokofiev- Peter and the Wolf

Learn about the orchestra and Prokofiev’s composition, identify sections of the orchestra, develop our listening skills

Shackleton’s journey

Create a soundscape to represent Shakleton’s journey using a graphic score.



What does it mean to commit?

Should you be told how to show commitment?


Amma / Hindu quotes

Inspirational religious leaders past and present

Do we need leaders? (Big question)

Are all good leaders the same?


Changing and growing families (RSE)

Active Citizens

Summer term - Walk like an Egyptian



Identify and learn how sounds are made and how we hear sounds.  

Explore and learn about pitch and volume. 

Understand how sound travels 


Learn about electrical appliances and keeping safe when using these 

Construct simple electrical circuits, identifying and naming parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers  

Investigate using circuits and switches. 

Learn about electrical conductors and insulators. 


Programming B – Repetition in games- Scratch-   Teach computing resources 

Use prior coding knowledge to design and create more complex programs and projects using loops. 

Learn to modify and improve designs.  


Creating media- Audio Production 


Egypt and Rivers study 

Find Egypt on a range of maps and globes and digital/ computer mapping, identify which continent it’s in and where it is in relation to us.  

Locate the Nile and find out about the settlements, annual flooding, temples and pyramids.   

Describe the features of the River Nile. 



Ancient Egypt- The achievements of early civilisations 


Compare timescales from Ancient Egypt to Romans and Vikings. Understand B.C.E. (B.C.) and C.E. (A. D.) Show 3000 BC to present day on a timeline and place events.    

Assessing Evidence 

Develop our understanding of how knowledge of the past is constructed through a range of sources and investigate Ancient Egypt using these.   

Using Evidence 

Devise historical questions and follow a line of historical enquiry.  

Answer questions such as why did this happen or why was life like this using evidence. 





Design and create Egyptian jewellery out of clay.  

Drawing and Painting 

Egyptian hieroglyph illustrations 




Building structures – Sistrum Frames 

Learn about the variety of different sounds which can be create by different materials 

Design own Sistrum Frame 

Explore ways to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce the structures 

Evaluate the structures and sounds they make by composing pieces and playing the new instruments together 





Striking and fielding, 

Outdoor Adventurous Activities-orienteering 


My home 

Describing people 



Ancient Egyptian  

Learn about music and musical traditions in Ancient Egypt 

Make and play a Sistrum, links to DT 




Home and away – special places for Hindus 

 What does it mean to belong?  

How does it feel to belong?  


Karma,  Bramha and Shiva - Relationship between values, beliefs and actions  

What is our role on Earth?  

Does it matter what we do? 



Money management 

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco education – focus on alcohol 


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