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Year 5

Cherry class is taught by Mrs Woodbridge.

Autumn term – Our place in space

Spring term – Piers to Pavilions


Properties and changes of materials

Revisit solids, liquids and gases

Learn that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution, and describe how to recover a substance from a solution 

Investigate separating mixtures and the scientific techniques that could be used to do this 

Understand that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible and give examples of these.


Animals Including Humans

Describe the changes as humans develop from birth to old age- this links to the RSE curriculum (see below in PSHE)



Handling data

Learn to use a simple spreadsheet to collect and sort data

Multimedia:  interactive ‘web book’ on famous Brightonians

Learn to use PowerPoint as a mini website including hyperlinks and links to external pages.



Locational knowledge

To name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions 

Sussex – study the change in land use over time.

Place knowledge

Study of Brighton – learning how it has changed over time both physically and about how the leisure industry developed.

Human and physical geography

Learn about the different human and physical characteristics, of Brighton and the surrounding area.

Geographical skills and fieldwork 

To use maps to understand and explain how and why places change over time

Using the 8 points of the compass and 4 and 6 figure grid references, symbols and keys to build their knowledge of the UK 

Conduct field work research based on the study of a coastal environment - Ovingdean beach



Local History Study- Georgian Britain in Brighton


George IV timeline

Assessing Evidence

Learn and give clear reasons why there may be different accounts of history 

Using Evidence

Research famous Brightonians using primary and secondary sources.





John Nash- Architect of The Royal Pavillion

Observational drawing

Field trip to Royal Pavilion- one element of the architecture- capturing line and shape.  

Skills taught: close observational interpretation in HB pencil and fine line pen accuracy and control of lines and shape

Painting and ink work

Illustrations of The Royal Pavillion learning to select and apply colour to a shape with control and accuracy.




Building Structures- Bathing machines

Research bathing machines in History topic and understand how this design fits into Victorian history and the leisure industry. 

Design and make own models of bathing machines focusing on using appropriate tools to measure, cut and join components securely for the frames. Finish products to appeal to Victorian bather.

Evaluate the finished products against the design criteria.









A School Trip


Garageband – creating digital music

Choose and arrange Garageband samples to create dance music.

History of Music

Learning about the musicians with connections to the Pavilion: Handel, Beethoven, Bridgetower and Rossini.


Islam Hajj and  Ramadan

Is commitment easier together?

Thinking about the challenges and benefits of being part of a faith community in Brighton and the UK



Prophet Muhammad and Old Testament prophets

What is the role of a leader?





Changing and growing families (RSE)

Active Citizens

Summer term – Rainforests


Living Things and their Habitats

Learn to describe the differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird 

Understand  the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals 



Programming: Scratch rainforest game

Put together previous coding skills to create a game around animals living in the rainforest.

Learn how to program and add in player scores



Locational knowledge

Understand where rainforests are in the world and why.

Place knowledge

Learn about the human and physical geography of Brazil – rainforest, specifically Manaus

Human and physical geography

Study the climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts.  




Non-European Society to contrast with British History- The Mayan Society 


Mayan Society: Create timeline for Mayan civilisation.

Assessing and Using Evidence

Learn about daily life in Mayan society but understand that sources can be biased and give reasons for this 





Frida Kahlo inspired self portrait

Study and evaluate the work of Frieda Kahlo

Painting and drawing

Create own self portrait in the style of Frieda Kahlo using watercolours and oil pastels.





Design and create moving animal toys using cams.



Sports leading – planning & delivering games



Striking & fielding




The Environment


Learning to play the ukulele

Learning chord sequences to accompany songs

History of Music

Traditional Rainforest Water Music


The symbolism of clothes, including prejudice around visible differences

How can you show  you belong?


Zakat- charitable giving

Should you look after yourself first?

Teachings around and impact of charitable giving. (E)

Teachings around family life and care for others (D)


Health and well-beings

Keeping safe

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