If you are interested in your child coming to Hertford Junior School please get in touch. Please get in touch to discuss what we have on offer 01273 557341 or In the meantime you can always watch a film about our schools at the top of this page.
All applications for places need to be made through Brighton & Hove City Council, School Admissions Team. Please visit for full information. The Admissions Team can also be contacted at School Admissions Team, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove BN3 4AH or by telephoning 01273 293653
However, parents/carers may find it helpful to know that, if there are insufficient places available to meet demand, these will be allocated to children in accordance with the following list of priorities:
- Children in the care of the local authority, or who were previously in the care of the local authority;
- Children with compelling medical or other exceptional reasons for attending the school;
- Children who have a brother or sister at the school or at a linked junior school;
- Children transferring between a linked infant and junior school;
- Other children.