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Welcome to you all - we are looking forward to meeting you all soon - remember to send us your questions about year 3 using the new Year 3 email - Take a look at the photos below to see what fun we get up to at the Juniors!

Hi Everybody,

We hope your families are keeping safe and well. We know you might have started to think about your move to Year 3 in September and we have set up this special page to  help you. We will regularly be adding photos, videos and activities which we think will be useful. Keep checking back! 

From Mr Baker, Polly and Tracey

Getting to know Mr Baker

Your new teacher at the Juniors is going to be Mr Baker. You can find out a bit about him here.  Mr Baker would love to learn all about you too. Soon you will be receiving a transition pack in the post with an 'All About Me' sheet for you to fill in to share with Mr Baker. (You can also download a copy below) 

Screen Shot 2020-06-03 at 16.20.35

Learn more about the Junior School


We have set up this special email address for you to email us if you want to ask any questions about the Juniors.  If there are questions that lots of people ask we will start to publish the answers here for you all to see. However we will respect any requests to keep a question and answer private.

See the FAQ section at the bottom of the page. 

Can you think what might be the same or similar between the Infants and the Juniors? Tracey and Polly will be sharing some things here  over the next few weeks. 

Below you can also find out a bit more about the Juniors in this little film.

THE ICKABOG by J. K. Rowling

The Junior Staff are reading this new story by J. K. Rowling for a Junior School Project. Why not have a listen, enjoy the story and get to know the other Junior school teachers.


Fun at the Juniors

Do you like to dance? Year 3 and Year 6 take part in Let's Dance every year.

We have chickens! Can you guess what their names are?

We have lots of sports teams. What is your

favourite sport?

The Eco Council helps look after our school grounds. 


Sometimes we dress up, like on "World Book Day". Which book character would you dress up as?

We go on trips out of school. What trips have

you already been on in the Infants?

Every two years we have a special talent show called "Hertford's Got Talent". What are your special talents?

Sports Day is fun!! Do you remember coming up to the Juniors for Infants Sports Day?


We do lots of learning outside.




  • What do we call the adults at the Juniors?

    In the Infants you will have been used to calling the adults by their first names such as Zoe and Justine. At the Juniors the adults are called by their surnames - Mrs. McGuigan and Mrs. Harvey. It might seem strange at first but you will quickly get used to it!

  • Can I use the School Library at the Juniors?

    The library is usually open at playtime. Your class will also visit the library togther once a week and you can take out up to 2 books at any time.

  • What do we do at wet playtimes?

    If it is raining hard and you can't go out into the playground, there are lots of things to do inside. There are lots of toys, games and construction equipment you can play with, with your friends; you can draw or colour and we also have a quiet space where children who want to can watch videos.

  • What is our classroom called?

    All the classes at Hertford Juniors are named after trees. The Year 3 classroom is Holly Class.

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