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Values and Ethos

Challenge Aspire Nurture We CAN!

To challenge, promote aspiration and nurture every child in an inclusive environment, which offers rich experiences and opportunities that successfully prepare them for the challenges of the future.

At the Junior School we use characters to represent each of our values and support us to use them in our lives and learning. We carried out a whole school project with staff and children to identify how we wanted each character to look and what their key qualities should be. Working together we voted for the best designs and these were then used to create our final 3. Meet Challenge, Aspire and Nurture and watch the videos to see how they were created.





​We challenge every child by establishing high expectations, building key skills that deepen their learning enabling them to be effective communicators who can reason and explain their thinking.


We promote high aspirations for every child by offering experiences and opportunities through our rich and varied curriculum, working together to foster ambition in every child and equipping them with the tools to achieve their full potential.


We nurture our children by ‘modelling’ a relationship aware approach to education, valuing the individual, providing our children with social confidence and self-awareness. We communicate respectfully, building trust together.



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